Aspose.Cell License is not working

Hi Team,

I am unable to set the license properly and getting the exception

com.aspose.cells.CellsException: You are using Evaluation Copy and have opened files exceeding limitation.

Are you applying the latest license file to old version?


Moreover, please note, newer licenses are signed with sha256 but older ones were signed with sha1. You cannot use a sha256 license with older versions of the API. You may use your older license to work with older Aspose.Cells for Java version and use new license to work with newer Aspose.Cells for Java versions. This will always work.

Furthermore, you may request for an updated (new) license (in purchase section) that should be signed with sha1. The updated license will be compatible and can be used with older Aspose.Cells versions as well.


The licence which we were earlier using was in Aspose.Cells.lic format and the new one which is provided to us by the vendor is of Aspose.Cells.Java.lic format.

We are storing the license in S3 bucket and tried setting it in our API’s in the format mentioned below.

S3Object fileObject2 = amazonS3Client.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(bucketName, asposePath));
InputStream licenseFile = fileObject2.getObjectContent();“Before setting License isLicenseSet—>”+ License.isLicenseSet());
License license = new License(); license.setLicense (licenseFile);“After setting License - isLicenseSet—>” + License.isLicenseSet());

The license file is getting fectched from the S3 properly…still after setting the license, the License.isLicenseSet() property comes out to be false.

Due to which the license never gets set and we get an exception that we are using an evaluation copy.

We are using below dependency in our project.


For 20.6 of Aspose.Cells for Java, it does not support the new license file which should be signed with sha256 when you using JDKs other than JDK1.6.

If possible, please try to use recent versions of aspose.cells, or try to use JDK1.6 to run your application to check whether the license file can work. Otherwise, please request for an updated (new) license (in purchase section) that should be signed with sha1 and can work for you without changing the JDK or version of aspose.cells.