Aspose Cells and OleDb

We are evaluating your product for a potential purchase to replace our current OleDb code to extract data from Excel workbooks and also to import data into the workbooks directly from SQL Server.

We have sporadic issues with OleDb and IIS6 in that we have to recycle the application pool and i want to be sure this isn't going to be an issue with Aspose Cells. Can you help?


Thanks for your inquiry.

Well, I think Aspose.Cells for .NET can suit your needs well. you may easily export the worksheet data using Cells.ExportDataTable and Cells.ExportArray to fill a datatable or an array. For importing data into worksheets there are number of options available, such as, Cells.ImportDataTable(), ImportFromDataReader etc.

For reference, please see the following documents:

Moreover, recycling will not effect Aspose.Cells.

Thank you.

I'm not sure you fully understand my question. Using OleDb periodically and arbitrarily causes issues with IIS6 and I want to be sure that Aspose isn't going to do the same, hence my question regarding whether Aspose uses OleDb as the underlying mechanism to connect to Excel or not.


Thanks for providing us further details.

Now we understand your query, we will get back to you soon

Thank you.


Thank you for considering Aspose.

Well, Aspose.Cells does not connect to MS Excel and you can use Aspose.Cells on a machine which does not have MS Excel installed. So, I think it will not cause any such problem as caused by OleDb while connecting to MS Excel.

Thank You & Best Regards,

That is all well and good but still not answering my question. You do not need to have MS Excel installed to extract data from an Excel Workbook using OleDb so that is a moot point. My question is whether Aspose uses OleDb as a mechanism to extract data from Excel Workbooks or something proprietary.

The intended use is to be used in high volume web services running under IIS6 that will create Excel workbooks with 1-100 Worksheets with 100-500k rows of data and also extract the data from Workbooks of this magnitude.


Thank you for considering Aspose.

Well, Aspose.Cells does not use OleDb to extract the data from workbooks and I think you can use Aspose.Cells as per your requirement to generate workbooks and extract data from workbooks as per your requirement. For creating big workbooks with around 100 worksheets you have to make sure that your system has enough memory to create such sheets as Aspose.Cells will not have any issue while creating such workbooks if sufficient memory is available to create such big workbooks.

Please feel free to contact us in case you need any further information / assistance, we will be happy to help you out.

Thank You & Best Regards,


Sorry for the confusion.

Well, Aspose.Cells for .NET is a pure .NET component created in managed C#. We do not use OleDb technology to extract data from Excel workbooks. We directly open the file with FileStream , then read the records from the FileStream with BinaryReader.

Hopefully it does answer your original query.

Thank you and have a good day.