Aspose.Cells and Qt

I would like to use XXX in Qt, however I have problems when I write:
#include "Aspose.Cells.h"
I get an error saying “In included file: ‘unicode.uloc.h’ not found”.
I think it comes from the configuration of my project and especially from the dll library.
My .pro is built like this:

win32 {
  INCLUDEPATH += D:/Development/Aspose.Cells_for_C++_22.7/Include

  LIBS += -LD:/Development/Aspose.Cells_for_C++_22.7/lib

How to solve this problem ? Is it possible to recompile the library with the Qt compiler ?


The Aspose.Cells for C++ API currently supports Visual Studio compilers, so it might not work well with Qt. See the System Requirements page for your reference.