Aspose.Cells.CellsException: 'Absent TAttrSkip for tAttrIf(Based on cell ...)'

I’m getting this exception: Aspose.Cells.CellsException: ‘Absent TAttrSkip for tAttrIf(Based on cell A1-A_FSum!AO36)’

The formula in this cell is nothing special: =IF(AN36="",AM36-AL36,AN36-AL36)

Once I delete this formula from this row, it works fine. The same formula is in rows below this one and it is not throwing any exceptions.

How can I fix this?


Thanks for your query.

Please share your sample file and code snippet with us for our testing. We will reproduce the problem and provide our feedback after analysis.

Thanks for your response. I forgot that Aspose does not support preserving formulas in rows where Smart Markers are being used to write data. I converted the existing formula to use the &=&= syntax and the error went away.

I think it would be a great improvement for Aspose to support preserving formulas in rows :slight_smile:


Well, if a row has Smart markers in the cell(s), you should not insert MS Excel formulas/functions in that row as it will be removed. Instead, you should use dynamic formulas (Smart Markers) to replace your MS Excel formulas/functions which you are doing now.

I am afraid, we do not support to use normal formulas with Smart Markers in the row(s) as it will mix up the things.