Aspose.Cells Chart

I have set up a template in Excel with a chart (graph).

I open the workbook and add data to the chart .

I then insert as an image, the chart, into a word bookmark. However i need to resize the graph before I do this (sizes can vary).

I tried chart.ChartArea.Height = 2000 chart.ChartArea.Width = 2000, doesnt work for me

How do i resize a chart.


Please try chart.ChartObject.Width/Height property.

How do i get chart.chartobject.width? following is my code

Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()


Dim sheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)

Dim chart As Chart = sheet.Charts.Item(0)

chart.ChartArea.Height = 2000

chart.ChartArea.Width = 2000


chart.ChartArea.Height = 2000 doesnt work?????


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I think you are using some older version of Aspose.Cells. Please try the latest version 4.3 as chart.ChartObject is included in the newer versions of Aspose.Cells.

Thank you.

Thanks for that I did indeed have an older version, I can now resize a chart, .

I downloaded Aspose.Total 2 weeks ago it had the older version of cells within.