Aspose.cells - combine two dataset

CombineTwoDatasetinAsposeCells.PNG (8.4 KB)

I have two dataset . i want to combine and i need aspose excel report as shown in “Output Required”.

Could you help me


Thanks for the screenshot.

There is no such feature available either in MS Excel or Aspose.Cells that could merge two datasets or datatables. I think you should easily merge the tables using .NET APIs in your code, see the thread for your reference:

Once you have merged the two datatables into one, then you may easily import it via Aspose.Cells APIs (e.g using Cells.ImportDataTable()), see the document for your reference:

Hope, this helps a bit.

Hi ,

Thanks for your support. I will try with the given link.
Once again thanks.


Due to the age of this support thread, can I clarify that the information given by Amjad_Sahi in January 2018 is still valid?

Kind regards,


Yes, to combine or merge two datasets or datatables. you may use .NET APIs to write code as per the the suggested thread and then import the combined/merged data into the worksheet via Aspose.Cells APIs. Let us know if you have any issue or further queries.