Aspose.Cells for C++ API support for iOS and MacOS

Is it possible to use Aspose.CElls for C++ on iOS?


Thanks for considering Aspose APIs.

Aspose.Cells for C++ needs Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and 2007.

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac is also available but it might not support C++ and if it supports, it supports with build tools.

You may try Aspose.Cells for C++ on Visual Studio 2017 for Mac, but at the moment, we only support Windows Platform.

Reference Links:


By the way, Aspose.Cells for .NET also includes an assembly (in “\Xamarin.iOS” folder at your installation directory) to use it your native iOS applications via Xamain. See the document on API limitation and other differences for your reference:

Just checking to see if there has been any movement on this in the past year. We need to embed you library in an iOS application we would need to understand your ability to support the platform.

We actually only need very limited Api access (load a file, set cell values, calculate, read cell values). Would you be able to provide and iOS static library with these functions (ie ARM architecture target)? If not, do you provide access to source code as part of one of your license models so that we could compile the library ourselves?

Note we can not go the .net / Xamarin route as we need to embed the library into an existing application… the Xamarin approach requires that the project fully owns the application, which is not possible in this case.

Thank you for your help.

Support for Aspose.Cells for C++ on iOS is not available yet but we need to look into it more. We have logged the issue in our database for investigation and for a fix(if possible). Once, we will have some news for you, we will update you in this topic.

This issue has been logged as

CELLSCPP-230 – Aspose.Cells for C++ on iOS

I am afraid that this is not possible to share the source code as per the policy here at Aspose. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused in this regard.

Thank you for the quick response. I understand the source code concern. Perhaps if your team could provide a static ARM lib, covering a basic subset of the APIs (we only need about 4 entry points) that would be an easy interim solution.

Thank you for the feedback. We have logged your point of view with the ticket and will share our feedback soon after analysing this requirement.

Supporting all features for iOS is a complicated task and we are afraid there is no eta for it yet. However, for your special requirement, such as the only need of loading/accessing cells data, we will evaluate it soon and we will provide feedback(feasibility and plan) early next month.

Moreover, we are working on supporting the API for Linux so for now, due to time limitations, you may try our Cloud APIs (Spreadsheet Processing Solutions (Desktop & Cloud REST APIs)) Aspose.Cells for Cloud (REST based APIs) in your environment as these APIs can be used in any platform and languages.

CELLSCPP-230 – Aspose.Cells for C++ on iOS.Do you have it now? It’s been three years now?


It is still not supported. Once we have an update on it, we will let you know.

Moreover, we did support Aspose.Cells for C++ API for Linux sometimes ago. We recommend you to try our Cloud APIs ( for now.

Some of our customers cannot connect to the Internet and need to use it locally. Do you have plans to develop this?

About supported operating systems, Please refer to the following document.

We have already supported macOS 11 or later(arm64, x86_64).

Aspose.Cells for C++ has supported macOS now. Please check Download c++ library for Spreadsheet Processing | Aspose.Cells.
Not yet supported on iOS.