Aspose cells for java versus open source jxls

Hi there,

I saw on this forum back in 2008 someone asking the same question.
The question is:

Can aspose.cells have similar way of generating reports in java as does JXLS in terms of using
an excel template and using some kind of markup language.

I have used JXLS and it has limitations in terms of being able to create a multi-sheet report with charts in them that reference named ranges.

I appreciate any help on this.
[also can apose cells take an excel report with mulitple sheets and create pdf, each sheet being a page]


Hi Paluu,

Thanks for considering Aspose.

Well, I think the new/latest Aspose.Cells for Java component can suit your needs very well. Over the years, we have made tremendous enhancements in the features and we included lots of new and useful features and now it does support almost all the features that MS Excel 97-2010 support with enhancements. It supports to create, manipulate and manage Excel (97-2010) files at all levels, it not only support to create new spreadsheets from the scratch but also can open existing template Excel files(e.g XLS, XLSX, XLT, XLTX, XLTM, XLSB, CSV, Tab Delimited, SpreadsheetML, HTML etc.) to manipulate/re-save them for your needs. It also support to create Excel files with multiple worksheet having charts, named ranges or other drawing objects etc.

Please see some topics (in the sections) for your current needs for your reference:

//Docs: Working with Charts

//Demos: Charts

//File Handling docs:

Regarding comparison of Aspose.Cells for Java with JExcel, see an article for your reference a bit (Note: the article only denotes comparison on some features set and it is not final at all):

Also, for


"I have used JXLS and it has limitations in terms of being able to create a multi-sheet report with charts in them that reference named ranges.“

Aspose.Cells does support this feature to create charts whose data source are referencing to Named Ranges.


”[also can apose cells take an excel report with mulitple sheets and create pdf, each sheet being a page]"

Yes, Aspose.Cells for Java does support this, you may convert an Excel file having multiple worksheet to render pages (one page per sheet) accordingly in the PDF file. See a topic for PDF conversion:

Also, see the topic for conversion one page per sheet (this is .NET topic though but you may use the similar feature / API in Java version too):

Hope, this helps,


Moreover, we have now added the similar Java article to Wiki Docs on converting an Excel file having multiple worksheets to render PDF pages (one page per sheet) accordingly, see the topic here:

Thank you.