Aspose.Cells for .Net Framework Compatibility table


We are migrating our application to a new platform and .net Framework but the existing application and the new application will co-exist for a while

Is there are table that shows compatibility between different versions of Aspose.Cells for .Net and the .net framework versions?
(This info is not available in nuget or the online release notes)


Aspose.Cells for .NET maintains compatibility with a wide range of .NET versions to support different frameworks and migration paths, though the compatibility tables are not always prominently displayed in NuGet or release notes:

  1. Aspose.Cells Versions 18.x to 22.x - These versions typically support .NET Framework 2.0 to 4.x, and also .NET Core 2.0 and above.
  2. Aspose.Cells 22.1+ - Added better support for .NET 5 and .NET 6, with updates for .NET Core 3.1 continuing in this range.
  3. Aspose.Cells 23.x and above - Designed to support .NET 6 and .NET 7 and above specifically, with backward compatibility for .NET Core 3.1 and limited compatibility with older .NET Framework versions (4.0+).

For your migration, a safe approach is to use Aspose.Cells versions in the 22.x range if you need compatibility with both .NET Framework and newer .NET Core or .NET 5/6 environments. This will help in maintaining compatibility for both the legacy and new platforms.

Hope, this helps a bit.