Aspose Cells formatting(sumstyle.Custom = “-* #,##0.00-;-* #,##0.00_-;-* “-”??-;-@-” ) and formulas are only execute after enable the editing option, is there any option to do before enable edit option?
Aspose Cells formatting(sumstyle.Custom = “-* #,##0.00-;-* #,##0.00_-;-* “-”??-;-@-” ) and formulas are only execute after enable the editing option, is there any option to do before enable edit option?
Thanks for providing us some details.
I am not entirely certain about your issue. Kindly do provide us sample Excel file(s) (input (if any) and output by Aspose.Cells APIs) and paste your sample code (runnable) to evaluate your issue properly. Also, when you do perform the same steps in MS Excel manually to generate the file. Do you still have to do enable editing for formulas to be executed when you open the output file into MS Excel manually?
Yes, I have to do enable editing for formulas to be executed when I open the output file into MS Excel manually, but i want do all formula before enable edit
Is that possible?
Well, this is MS Excel’s behavior and nothing to do with Aspose.Cells APIs. When you manually generate your file in MS Excel and you got to make enable editing option on to execute all the formulas and other formatting while opening the file, then Aspose.Cells’ generated file would also display the same behavior.
I guess you may uncheck the relevant settings of MS Excel by yourself, e.g
To open all your documents in full editing mode in Word 2013 or Word 2010, just follow these simple steps:
Note: Be careful disabling those options as MS Excel won’t filter the files or won’t open into protected view which sometimes may affect.
Hope, this helps a bit.
Thanks for your update
Can we do this via code(C#)?
Well, this is MS Excel application level settings and cannot be fixed in Excel file (workbook) formats in API (code).