Aspose.Cells.GridJS xspreadsheet.js source

Hello, can you share where the source for Aspose.Cells-for-.NET/xspreadsheet.js at master · aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-.NET ( can be acquired?
GridJs is very exciting for me, it renders and responds very fast for large excel files, I’d like to incorporate it into my project, but trying to figure the client side api from minified js is incredibly difficult.
I’ve tried downloading the full Aspose.Cells msi, but it only includes client side code for acwmain.js (html table based), not xspreadsheet.js (canvas based)

Please check the document here: Working with GridJs Client Side|Documentation
We don’t publish the source code in the product.
If you have any requirment ,we will try to improve it

or, you could have just said that you forked it from GitHub - myliang/x-spreadsheet: The project has been migrated to @wolf-table/table instead of pretending like it’s proprietary.

Yes,the client script for GridJs is developed based on