Aspose Cells Gridweb throws error message when excel file contains image

Hi Aspose Team,

When I open an excel file containing images in it,the Grid-Web control throws an error message (Screenshot Attached) and it is unable to render the contents of excel file.
Excel file attached.

Note : I use the following line of code to import the excel file : GridWeb1.WebWorksheets.ImportExcelFile(FileName);

Version: Aspose.Cells.GridWeb -

Kindly suggest necessary changes.


Please try our latest version/fix e.g v2.7.17.2xxx (you may install the latest fix installing our latest Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.4.2 package and get the latest version of Aspose.Cells.GridWeb). I have tested loading your file into GridWeb and it works fine, see the screen shot below.

Thank you.