Aspose.Cells having trouble identifying text with single quotes and new lines in CSV files

Hello folks,

We have a CSV file that has HTML content with inline CSS that is causing issues when we get Range.Value for a given range of a Worksheet.
Due to this, we cannot replace the content of the CSV file for the given range.
You can find the file inthe zip file (650 Bytes).

It works as expected when the single quotes in from the HTML are removed.
Doesn’t work:

<div data-wrapper=""true"" style=""font-size:9pt;font-family:'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif;"">
<div>Anderson to Cummins, 1 run
Walks across his stumps as Anderson drags his length back, takes a deflection behind square&nbsp;</div>


<div data-wrapper=""true"" style=""font-size:9pt;font-family:Segoe UI,Helvetica Neue,sans-serif;"">
<div>Anderson to Cummins, 1 run
Walks across his stumps as Anderson drags his length back, takes a deflection behind square&nbsp;</div>

Below Code returns different Results if the single quotes are present or not

var range = this.Workbook.Worksheets[sheetIndex].Cells.CreateRange(cellAddress);
range.Value = replacementText;

When Single Quotes are present in the HTML, it returns a lot of null values.

{object[2, 21]}
    [0, 0]: "1-11111111111"
    [0, 1]: {1/15/1993 7:11:00 PM}
    [0, 2]: {1/15/1993 7:11:00 PM}
    [0, 3]: 123
    [0, 4]: 123
    [0, 5]: 402629
    [0, 6]: "N3148595"
    [0, 7]: null
    [0, 8]: "$500 stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff"
    [0, 9]: "\"<div data-wrapper=\"\"true\"\" style=\"\"font-size:9pt;font-family:'Segoe UI'"
    [0, 10]: "Helvetica Neue"
    [0, 11]: "sans-serif;\"\">"
    [0, 12]: null
    [0, 13]: null
    [0, 14]: null
    [0, 15]: null
    [0, 16]: null
    [0, 17]: null
    [0, 18]: null
    [0, 19]: null
    [0, 20]: null
    [1, 0]: "<div>Anderson to Cummins"
    [1, 1]: " 1 run"
    [1, 2]: null
    [1, 3]: null
    [1, 4]: null
    [1, 5]: null
    [1, 6]: null
    [1, 7]: null
    [1, 8]: null
    [1, 9]: null
    [1, 10]: null
    [1, 11]: null
    [1, 12]: null
    [1, 13]: null
    [1, 14]: null
    [1, 15]: null
    [1, 16]: null
    [1, 17]: null
    [1, 18]: null
    [1, 19]: null
    [1, 20]: null

Aspose.Cells Version - 23.6.0
Is this a known issue or is there a workaround for this issue?

Would you like to use the latest version of Aspose.Cells 23.7 for testing? By testing with the following code, we can obtain the correct results. Please refer to the attachment (49.6 KB).

Workbook workbook  = new Workbook(filePath + "final.csv");
Range range = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.CreateRange("A1:T2");