Aspose Cells Net. Cannot find black listed licenses resource. Please report this error to Aspose

We purchased Aspose.Cells for .Net with license Developer OEM.
When I load our license file in .Net project (.Net Framework 4.5) i have an Exception:
Cannot find black listed licenses resource. Please report this error to Aspose.

Here is my code:
_licence = new Aspose.Cells.License();
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@“Aspose.Cells.NET.lic”)))
Console.WriteLine(“License set successfully.”);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("\nThere was an error setting the license: " + e.Message);
catch(Exception e)


What is wrong with it ? I use version 23.11.0


To evaluate your issue, we need your license file (posted via private message). In order to send a private message with attachment (license file), please click on my name and find “Message” button. Now, please attach the zipped archive containing the license and send us. We will investigate the issue with your provided license. Also, see the topic on how to send the license to Aspose staff for your reference. How to Send License File to Support Team


I received your license file in a private message. I tested your scenario/case using your sample code and license file in a project, and it worked fine without any exception. Please ensure that you are using the latest version of the APIs. Additionally, could you please create and share a standalone VS.NET sample project (excluding the license file as you have already provided it via private message) to allow us to reproduce the issue on our end? We will investigate it promptly.

Here is piece of code for my problem.
I encountered problem with the last version and not the previous one (

We will check t it as soon as possible.


Thanks for the sample project.

I did test your scenario/case using your sample project with your license file. I extracted your zipped archive (WinForm) project to some folder. I then put your license into folders: “\TestAspose2023.WinUI\bin\Debug” and “\TestAspose2023.WinUI”. Then I opened the solution file into VS.NET 2022 and then installed the missing packages Aspose.Cells v23.11 and Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop v23.11. Then did build the project and run/start it. It works absolutely fine on my end and I got console message/text: “License set successfully” on output window. See the screenshot which I captured while running your exact project. You can see it works fine and I do not get any exception what so ever.
sc_shot1.png (85.3 KB)

PS. I removed your project (attachment) from your previous post as it contains your license file as well.