I am getting an out of memory exception when opening an excel workbook file. I have two files, one larger then the other and the larger file works fine, but the smaller file causes the out of memory exception.
I have tried to use the “MemorySetting.MemoryPreference” load option setting, but that has not fixed the issue.
I currently am running on version 8.2.1 on .Net Framework 4.6.2. In the next year or so, we will be upgrading to the most recent version and running on .Net core, but that is months away. Attached is an example project and the files I am having issues with. File1.xlsx works just fine, but File2.xlsx doesn’t and is smaller then the first file. I tried attaching the solution’s zip file, but the UI isn’t working even though I am under the 50k KB limit.
Can you provide any insight into this or am I out of luck because I am running such an old version?