We are encountering an Exception loading an existing XLSX file into a Workbook. We are following the guidance on this page Different Ways to Open Files|Documentation (aspose.com)](Different Ways to Open Files|Documentation)
from java_client import java_client # starting java, not relevant for this question
from jpype import java
import jpype
import asposecells
from asposecells.api import *
fis = java.io.FileInputStream(“template.xlsx”) # Error raised - below
logging.info(“file read”)
workbook = Workbook(fis)
Exception: TypeError: object.init() takes exactly one argument (the instance to initialize)
line 47, in test_function workbook = Workbook(fis) File “/home/site/wwwroot/.python_packages/lib/site-packages/asposecells/api.py”, line 2992, in init super(Workbook, self).init(*args)
Which version of the API (Aspose.Cells for Python via Java) you are using? Also, provide complete environment details. Does the issue occur only with specific Excel file or for all Excel files?
I think the exception may have something to do with the java_client you use. Aspose.Cells for Python via Java only supports Jdk1.8 or higher, please refer to Getting Started|Documentation