Aspose.Cells unable to calculate VALUE function

We are calculating an Excel workbook using Aspose.Cells, in one of the cells we have a =VALUE(LEFT(string, index)) formula that shows the #NAME? error in the resulting/saved excel file. However, if I manually select the cell and exit it again the error goes away. Any idea how we can resolve this. I tried to create a simple test workbook, here are the results.

|Cell| Typed Value|Value in Resulting Workbook|Value after exiting cell|
|A1| 33 1/3% Joint & Survivor|33 1/3% Joint & Survivor|33 1/3% Joint & Survivor|
|A2| =LEFT(A1, FIND("%",A1)-1)|33 1/3|33 1/3|
|A3| =VALUE(LEFT(A1, FIND("%",A1)-1))|#VALUE!|33.33333333|
|A4| =VALUE(33 1/3)|33.33333333|33.33333333|
|A5| =VALUE("33 1/3")|#VALUE!|33.33333333|
|A6| =VALUE(LEFT(A1, FIND("%",A1)-1))/100|#VALUE!|0.333333333|


Do you mean the “#VALUE!” error or “#NAME?” error? According to the given results, we think it is “#VALUE!” error. If so, it is because currently we do not support parsing the “fraction” values into numeric. We have opened the following new ticket in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver its fix according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID: CELLSNET-57287

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

If you are getting #NAME? error, please provide us your sample code to reproduce the issue and we will look into it soon.