Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Save ... v7.0.1.0


I tried to update the version of Aspose Cells (v7.0.1.0) in my projects.

I have many calls of
"workbook.Save(filename, SaveType.OpenInExcel, FileFormatType.Default, context.Response);"

I replace that by
"workbook.Save(context.Response, filename, ContentDisposition.Attachment, new XlsSaveOptions());"

But there is no such fonction Save(HttpResponse, Filename, ContentDisposition, SaveOption), the build show me errors.

have you an idea of a resolution ?



Please use the DLL under the directory “net2.0” and not “net3.5_ClientProfile”.

And please check the readme.txt under the directory

Please see this image for more help.


I think you are using the wrong dll of Aspose.Cells. When you use our product in a a web application, please use the Aspose.Cells.dll from the net2.0 folder in the "/bin" directory. I think you are using the ClientProfile version of Aspose.Cells Assembly. For your information, the dll in net3.5_ClientProfile directory is used only for the console application with Net frame client profile as the target framework of Please check your project, it is possible that your project is referencing this dll. For complete reference, please read the readme.txt file in the bin directory.

Let us know if you still have any confusion.

I have used the client profile version.

With the 2.0 framework version this work fine.

thanks !