Aspose docx to html conversion delay


While I am trying to convert this file which has around 100+ pages into html format,
the time it is taking is nearly 10sec.

attaching the file :
Climate 1.docx (9.1 MB)

Aspose.words version is 21.9.0

@pooja.jayan Your document is quite large. On my side the conversion took about 5.5 seconds.

Document Loading: 0.817
Saving Document as HTML: 4.587

The time looks acceptable for such large document. If save this document to HTML using MS Word the conversion takes even more time.

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thank you for your quick response.

Could you please share me the Aspose.words version used?

Will the version which we are using have any effect on the conversion time?

@pooja.jayan I tested conversion using the latest 24.2 version of Aspose.Words.

Will the version which we are using have any effect on the conversion time?

@pooja.jayan I have tested with 21.9.0 version and the following simple code:

Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.docx");

and the conversion time is the same about 5.5 seconds.

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can u share the specifications of system in which u tried this conversion?

@pooja.jayan I have tested on Windows 10, CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900HS, RAM: 32.0 GB.

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