Aspose Dxf to SVG conversion by preserving layer information

I am using Aspose java library to export svg from dxf files. The exported svg is lacking layer information. Is there a way I can export the layer information as a group for further processing. (3.1 KB)

Attached Zip contains two files:

*Exported-Aspose.svg converted using Aspose library
*Exported-layers.svg is where it has the layer information and needed output.

Does Aspose support layers in svg, If so, can you please guide me with a sample code and a documentation.

We don’t have support of such feature, unfortunately.

Is there any way that the layer information set as a property to the field like below

<circle cx="100" cy="100" r="50" style="stroke:#0000ff;stroke-width:0.9;" qs:layer="Layer1"/>

We don’t have this option now, we have logged the CADJAVA-11644 ticket to implement it.