We would like to start and use Aspose.Email for our project. Before we begin, we have some requirements that we would like to know if Aspose.Email can be used.
Briefly about the project:
The purpose of the project is that we will copy mails from user mailbox to unified group mailbox.
Mails to be copied to unified group are in subfolders. Subfolders title is specified as unified group mail mail-address. Mails in subfolder have default category (Waiting).
After mails that have the category “Waiting” have been copied to unified group, the mail category in the user mailbox must be changed to “Passed”
In case of error, the email category is changed to “Failed”
The code runs as Azure function (dotnet core 3.1)
We have an Azure Active directory app that has access to every user mailbox. This user principal must be used for mailbox access in IEWSCient.
Can Aspose.Email be used in this project?
As far as compatibility of Aspose.Email in Azure environment is concerned, the API supports .NET and .NET Core environment. Therefore, there shouldn’t be any compatibility with API in Azure.
Also, at present the support for setting categories for email is unavailable and a ticket with ID EMAILNET-40053 has been created to further investigate the requirements on our end. A separate ticket with ID EMAILNET-40054 has also been created to investigate the possibility of updating email using IEWSCient. We will be able to share further feedback with you as soon as the issues will be addressed.
For now, you can use Aspose.Email for .NET using Azure Functions and loading email message from one account and then moving to any other folder in another shared email account using API. I have created a sample Azure Function (HTTP Triggered based) application using Aspose.Email for .NET 20.12 and using .NET Core 3.1. You can test it locally or may deploy on Azure by using your own Exchange account credentials for user. For more about Exchange Client features and mechanism for copying or moving messages, please visit this documentation link.
EmailCopier.zip (54.8 KB)