Aspose error: Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose PDF

License status: Aspose.PDF.LIC is active

Error: Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Pdf.

Explanation of issue:

We are using the Aspose.PDF product to modify PDF files. We are running into an issue where we are receiving the evaluation message when creating PDFs.
Originally, we were applying the license every time we called the Aspose library.

Upon doing some research on the forum, we found a few suggestions on how to fix the evaluation message.
First we tried to only apply the license once, which did not work consistently.
We then found another suggestion to first create a small text file with the library and test it for the evaluation message, if its found then re-apply the license and try again. We have had numerous instances where the license will never reapply using this logic.

We have tried both loading the license from a file path and a stream.

At this point, we do not believe the issue is due to a code issue on our side, but possibly something environmental.

This code/library we have written is being call in the Hyland OnBase software. OnBase itself uses Aspose internally for a number of things, and I’m sure they have their own license that they are referencing. The library we wrote is using a separate license. We are starting to think that there may be some type of conflict between the 2 licenses.


Thank you for contacting support.

Would you please create a narrowed down sample application reproducing the issue, along with screenshots. Please also mention if this problem has recently appeared or if it has been working fine previously. In case if it has recently occurred, were some changes made to your application which resulted in this error.

Moreover, you may validate your license file with below code snippet:

Document document = new Document();
if (document.IsLicensed())
        //License is valid

Before sharing requested data, please ensure using Aspose.PDF for .NET 19.1.