Aspose Exported GLB can not be imported


I am able to export a GLB file (see attachment), but when this file is imported with the code below, the output GLB misses some geometries. However, the input file can be viewed properly by any other GLTF viewers, but not that of Aspose:

            Scene scene = new Scene();
            scene.Open(@"C:\...\axis.glb", FileFormat.GLTF2_Binary);
            scene.Save(@"C:\...\axis_output.glb", FileFormat.GLTF2_Binary);

Kind regards,
Phap Nguyen (927 Bytes)


We have logged an issue as THREEDNET-990 in our issue tracking system for this case. We will further investigate it and keep you posted with the status of its correction. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.