Have you ever considered rendered images overlayed on supporting Web Mapping Service tile services like Openstreetmaps, Google Hybrid, Bing, OpenCycleMap, Thunderforest etc?
Have you ever considered rendered images overlayed on supporting Web Mapping Service tile services like Openstreetmaps, Google Hybrid, Bing, OpenCycleMap, Thunderforest etc?
Hello, @yemoku,
Yes, we have this feature in our roadmap. We are going to load map layers from remote servers that provide XYZ tiles. And then we want to render these layers as the background on the map.
The required function is associated with raster formats. In the Aspose.GIS for .NET 20.4 release, we support the raster formats model (only read). Now we are working on other raster tasks, and then start working with map tiles.
That’s good news. Thanks
Do you have any updates or timelines on the release of this feature?
Hello, @yemoku,
We’ve created a ticket GISNET-548 for implementation of this functionality, and release is planned for the 3rd quarter of 2020. This task one is the first in Q3.
Best regards.
Hello, @yemoku
The features you were looking for is available in Aspose.GIS for .NET 20.8. Aspose.GIS allows you to load tiles from remote servers that provide XYZ tiles. And then you may render these tiles on the map. Please, take a look at this Example.
In case of any further assistance, please feel free to let us know.