Aspose.gridweb sheet switch error, and click sort invalid (1.2 KB)


This is the latest custom style file I use. It can be loaded normally. It can also be serialized to. If file successfully. Only when deserializing, null pointer exception will appear. This style file can help you find problems.


When the browser loads Excel to the web page for the first time, the. If file will be created successfully, which is a process of serialization; when switching the sheet on the web page and creating gridweb object in the background, the. If file will be loaded, which is a process of deserialization


We reproduced the issue as you described with the custom style file. A separate ticket is logged into our database for the issue.
CELLSJAVA-43447 - Exception “java.lang.NullPointerException” occurred when using custom style file in GridWeb

We will look into the issue to fix it soon.

Please try the new fix and updated demos. (6.7 MB) (7.7 MB)

Please also check the updated demo. For CELLSJAVA-43442, the sort demo can work in the demo now. In the demo project’s pom file, the existing version v21.4 of GridWeb won’t be updated. You need to manually update the dependencies jar with the latest fix i.e., aspose-gridweb-21.4.2-java.

这几个java问题都已经改好了 ,有些问题其实是demo里的写法问题 ,我们把demo工程也更新了 ,注意里面的一些写法, demo工程里引用的还是21.4的gridweb的版本 ,(maven上还没有更新新的版本,要到下一个大版本才能更新了),所以你需要手动引用一下我们的新的fix版本21.4.2

I’m glad to see your feedback.

CELLSJAVA-43447 这个问题不知是否已解决;我看到的结果是,其他问题都好了,只有自定义样式在切换sheet时还是会变成默认样式。

I don’t know how to solve the problem of cellsjava-43447. The result I saw is that all other problems are better. Only the custom style will become the default style when switching the sheet.

We can reproduce this issue,we will investigate further.

please try the fix ,it should be fixed.
请使用这个新版本 (6.7 MB)

Thank you very much. The style problem has been solved!

image.png (29.0 KB)
The background table is not filled in the browser. How to fill it?

We have noted your feedback and will share our comments after detailed analysis.

image.png (287.4 KB)
image.png (68.0 KB) (1.9 MB)
excel show problem.

This thread is getting too lengthy now. These issue that you have identified in current post and the previous post seem to be different than the logged issues earlier.

For isolating the issues, could you please create new thread(s) for each issue separately along with the sample data, runnable solution, expected output and images showing relevant issue. We will analyze each issue separately and share our feedback accordingly.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSJAVA-43442,CELLSJAVA-43443,CELLSJAVA-43447) have been fixed in this update.