Aspose html convert pdf style problem

When using aspose-words version 21.5, some style conversion issues occurred when converting from html to pdf:
Question 1:
It can be aligned in HTML, but the format is not aligned after converting to PDF
Question 2:
After converting to PDF, the width and height of the table are inconsistent with the width and height displayed in HTML7b54f5ab356222fe87eebf8544a9727.png (252.7 KB)
6880a546fb4e0a5652e1525fa3b3347.png (156.1 KB)源文件.zip (55.4 KB)

@mm1996 Could you please attach your input HTML and output PDF documents here for testing? We will check the issue and provide you more information.

Thank you for your response, the attachment has been added源文件.zip (55.4 KB)

@mm1996 Thank you for additional information.

  1. Table row height seems to be correct to me. When I open your HTML in the browser I see the same height as in PDF produced by Aspose.Words.

  2. I have managed to reproduce the problem with checkbox alignment. The problem has been logged as WORDSNET-23599. We will keep you informed and let you know once it is resolved or we have more information.

Thank you very much for your reply:
During the test, it was also found that some tables could maintain the original width and height, but some tables could not
6d8e3c914ac9ef794972266e1fef7d6.png (289.1 KB) (60.1 KB)

@mm1996 It is quite difficult and sometimes impossible to retain the original HTML formatting in MS Word documents. In your document I see that units are mixed some dimensions are specified in pixels some in points (height: 133.5pt; width: 35px;). Also some dimensions are duplicated in attributes and in styles with different values. For example:

<table height="206" style="margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; border: 0.75pt solid rgb(0, 0, 0); border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); height: 254px; width: 686px;" width="" tableid="d0742f35-93bd-2ca6-6a37-a5bd57f42649">

height="206" and height: 254px; in style attribute. These inconsistency might cause different viewer or rendering apps handle content differently.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-23599) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for Java 22.7 update also available on Maven.