Aspose.HTML to Image Not working on LInux

Hi, I’m having an issue using Aspose HTML to generate an image representation. My base HTML contains both images and Google Fonts. When I run the conversion locally on a Windows machine, the output looks correct. Both images and fonts render correctly when I save as an image from the source HTML.

But when I deploy it to our QA environment which is in the cloud (Azure), it is actually running on a Linux container. It still generates an image from the HTML, but the fonts are not correct, sometimes even missing characters and the font-family falls back to some generic default. Images are often cut off arbitrarily on the right or bottom of the images. I have attached an image showing what it looked like in the browser, compared to the right side output jpg file depicting all the problems with red arrows.

It seems suspiciously similar to this blog post describing issues with System.Drawing in Linux.

What is the solution to rendering Fonts and Images properly when using Aspose.HTML to generate images from valid HTML? Thank you.
on-linux.jpg (287.3 KB)


An issue as HTMLNET-4111 has been logged in our issue tracking system for the investigation against this case. We will further perform analysis and let you know as soon as the ticket is resolved. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

How or where do I access this ticket to check on progress? If I use your search to find “HTMLNET-4111” it returns nothing. This seems like a known issue given your blog post.


You can see the ticket attached at the bottom of this forum thread. image.png (3.3 KB)

It is logged in our internal issue management system and you cannot access it. However, we will keep you posted with the status of its resolution progress. Please spare us some time.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Can we get an estimated date for this to be fixed or a workaround? It seems like a known issue. Thank you.


The ticket is under the phase of the investigation and as soon as it is done, we will be in a position to share some ETA with you. We will surely provide you with updates as soon as the analysis is complete. Please give us some time.