Aspose HTML to PDF font failure

We are getting a null reference exception when we try to use a specific Verdana font when converting from HTML to PDF.

I have attached the HTML file we are using so. Please let us know what the issue is. (1.5 MB)

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFNET-56776

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Is there any explanation you can provide as to the cause? This is not the only font having issues, but it’s one with a good example.

I’m sorry, but the quick analysis didn’t help, so we sent the task to the Dev Team. I’m waiting for their response.

Please test this file on your end. (1.5 MB)

This did work for that particular font. It looks like you adjusted the mime-type on the file encoding in the css.

This broke some of our other fonts.

Do you know what the difference is between our old mime type and the one you sent?

Does this only work for opentype fonts?

I’m sorry for misleading you. The suggested file is not a workaround or a final solution. Your answer provides additional information for the investigation.

Hello, is there any update on this?

We found that your version of the Verdana font (5.00) doesn’t contain additional data (e.g. a substitute table). Our developers are working to fix this issue in the library.
If you can, please try to use the latest font version, but we don’t guarantee stable work until the issue is fixed in the library.

Yes so far this has worked for Verdana and also should fix our Trebuchet font issue as well. However, there are other fonts we have that are using the most recent version that appear to have issues as well, so please keep us updated on the status of this fix.

Thank you for your help

Is there any update here? We have found that multiple of our OTF fonts are not working, and if we use the similar TTF files, things seem to work fine. I see 56776 is marked as closed.

  • Is this in a new release?
  • do you know if it’s a fix for OTF font files?

Yes, this bug has been fixed in Aspose.PDF v.24.4.

Thank you for the update that is great news!

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