Aspose Image for Sharepoint

Does this product support conversion of DICOM (.dcm) format files to PDF?

Hello, @jimsoars
Thank you for your interest in Aspose.Imaging.
Yes, Aspose.Imaging can load Dicom and export it in PDF as in many other image formats as well.
Supported formats here: Supported File Formats|Aspose.Imaging for .NET
The simple way to export Dicom → PDF

using (Image image = Image.Load("template.dcm"))
	image.Save("result.pdf", new PdfOptions());

Thanks – I am specifically trying to confirm that the SHAREPOINT installed version will do DICOM.


@jimsoars Regrettably, this version of the product is currently not being updated and its modernization is not part of our immediate plans. It may be possible to use our DLL files as they are, but this has not been verified.