I'm trying to use Aspose Imaging in a Compact Framework 3.5 application. I wrote this simple line of code and I get the following exception "Image Loading Failed".
I am afraid, Aspose.Imaging is not available for Compact Framework at the moment. But we are intended to provide this support in our future release. I have logged your request in our tracking system and connected this thread to the request id (31416). You will be notified automatically when this feature is available.
If you like we can provide you a Hot Fix, otherwise we have scheduled it with our next major release. Next release will be available in first week of next month.
I can reproduce the loading issue with your provided PNG file. Also I have noticed that other PNG files [one is attached] can be loaded with out any problem. Therefore I have recorded an investigative ticket under Id 31783. We will probe further into this issue and will keep you posted with updates.
Regarding point 2), I’m sorry I am unable to understand your need. Can you please elaborate further?
My question is simple: I would like to use your library in a small CAD application for windows mobile devices. So I have an Handle Device Context of the form/window where I display my drawing; on this device context I have also to display the loaded image.
As I wrote I need a sort of BitBlt functions that allow me to display the loaded image on a form.
Is it clear now ? Otherwise, please contact me again.
No such API is available at the moment but a new issue to provide API to place the image directly on HDC in an efficient way has been logged into our issue tracking system as IMAGING-31867. We will keep you updated on this issue in this thread. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please feel free to contact us in case you have further comments or questions.
We have requested our development team to provide updates on the ticket 31783. As soon as we receive any news, we will post it here for your reference.
Sorry for the delayed response on ticket Id 31783.
We currently use the System.Drawing assembly to load and process PNG files and there is no exact way to determine what happens behind the scenes. If there is some issue it is really complicated to determine the cause.
Currently the following exception is thrown while loading your provided PNG file:
System.OutOfMemoryException with the following stack trace:
at Microsoft.AGL.Common.MISC.HandleAr(PAL_ERROR ar)
at System.Drawing.Bitmap._InitFromMemoryStream(MemoryStream mstream)
at System.Drawing.Bitmap…ctor(Stream stream)
We have planed to fully support the PNG on February release (ticket 27110). We have attached this thread with the new ticket so once the feature is available, you will be notified automatically.