Aspose, lincense problem

Hello, I purchased license and have a “Aspose.Words.Java.lic” file.
It have been worked well so far.
But I changed our server computer better. Then It is not work fine.

com.aspose.words.License license = new com.aspose.words.License();
    String url = "./Aspose.Words.Java.lic";
    license.setLicense(new;"License Loaded");
catch (Exception e)
{"No License");

license is loaded well because i got log “License Loaded”
but exported document have free license feature likes watermark or red header and footer.
We need quick recovery

@muyoungko Please check the following points:

  • Make sure your call to SetLicense gets executed. Step through in the debugger.
  • Make sure your code does not catch an exception thrown by Aspose.Words licensing code. For example, Aspose.Words will throw if it cannot find the license.
  • Make sure the input documents do not already have the evaluation message. Aspose.Words does not delete existing evaluation messages.
  • Make sure SetLicense is executed before you instantiate any Document object.