Aspose .Net Paging (Page $p of $P ) not working

Hi, the (Page $p of $P) not working on my .net version. It just display the text as it is Page $p of $P.
Below is the code snippet, please have a look and let me know.

using Aspose.Pdf;
using Aspose.Pdf.Text;
using Sasfin.Notifications.Contract.Entities;

namespace Sasfin.Notifications.Host.Templates
public class MonthlyAccountsStatement
public MonthlyAccountsStatement() { }

    public object GenerateMonthlyAccountPdf(string accountNumber, Contract.Requests.NotificationRequest request)
        // The path to the documents directory.
        //string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_Text();

        Document doc = new Document();
        // Specify the left margin info for the PDF file
        doc.PageInfo.Margin.Left = 25;
        // Specify the Right margin info for the PDF file
        doc.PageInfo.Margin.Right = 25;
        doc.PageInfo.Margin.Top = 280;
        Page page = doc.Pages.Add();

        // Header table begin

        Aspose.Pdf.Table headerTable = new Table
            ColumnWidths = "50 230 80 95 95"

        TextState tableStyle = new TextState
            Font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"),
            FontSize = 8,
            FontStyle = FontStyles.Regular

        TextState rightText = new TextState
            HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right

        TextState numberingText = new TextState
            HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right,

        TextState tinfo = new TextState
            Font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"),
            FontSize = 8,
            FontStyle = FontStyles.Regular

        TextState footerText = new TextState
            Font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"),
            FontSize = 7,
            FontStyle = FontStyles.Regular

        TextState headerInfo = new TextState
            Font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial"),
            FontSize = 8,
            FontStyle = FontStyles.Bold

        TextState headerText = new TextState
            FontSize = 8,
            FontStyle = FontStyles.Bold,
            ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255)

        TextState centerText = new TextState
            HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center

        Aspose.Pdf.MarginInfo headerCellPadding = new Aspose.Pdf.MarginInfo
            Top = 0,
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            Right = 2

        Aspose.Pdf.MarginInfo numberingCellPadding = new Aspose.Pdf.MarginInfo
            Top = 0,
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            Right = 0

        Aspose.Pdf.MarginInfo headerCellPadding2 = new Aspose.Pdf.MarginInfo
            Top = 5,
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        // create margin object

        Aspose.Pdf.Table pdfTable = new Table
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        pdfTable.DefaultCellTextState = tinfo;
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        Aspose.Pdf.Row row = pdfTable.Rows.Add();
        Aspose.Pdf.Cell cell;
        //cell = row.Cells.Add("Page $p of $P");
        cell = row.Cells.Add("Page $p of $P");
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        cell.DefaultCellTextState.FontStyle = FontStyles.Bold;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row row1 = pdfTable.Rows.Add();
        cell = row1.Cells.Add("Transactions");
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        Aspose.Pdf.Row row2 = pdfTable.Rows.Add();
        row2.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(155, 157, 164);
        row2.DefaultCellTextState = headerText;
        cell = row2.Cells.Add("Date");
        cell = row2.Cells.Add("Transaction Description");
        cell = row2.Cells.Add("Interest Rate (%)");
        cell.DefaultCellTextState.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
        cell = row2.Cells.Add("Transaction(R)");
        cell.DefaultCellTextState.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
        cell = row2.Cells.Add("Balance(R)");
        cell.DefaultCellTextState.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row rowInhalt;

        List<Transactions> transactions = new List<Transactions>();
        foreach(Transactions tnx in  request.Statement.Transactions)

        List<UnclearedEffects> unclearedTransactions = new List<UnclearedEffects>();
        foreach (UnclearedEffects uncl in request.Statement.UnclearedEffects)

        for (int i = 0; i <= transactions.Count; i++)
            rowInhalt = pdfTable.Rows.Add();
            if (i % 2 == 0)
                // Row styling(color) fuction
                rowInhalt.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(232, 233, 234);
                rowInhalt.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);
            rowInhalt.Cells.Add(transactions[i].Descripition);//"TAP-TO-PAY POS PURCHASE VISA LOCAL [01] PNP FAM NEWMARKET ALBERTON ZA"
            rowInhalt.Cells.Add(transactions[i].Fee.ToString()).DefaultCellTextState = centerText;
            rowInhalt.Cells.Add(transactions[i].Debit.ToString()).DefaultCellTextState = rightText;
            rowInhalt.Cells.Add(transactions[i].Credit.ToString()).DefaultCellTextState = rightText;
        for (int i = 0; i <= unclearedTransactions.Count; i++)
            rowInhalt = pdfTable.Rows.Add();
            if (i % 2 == 0)
                // Row styling(color) fuction
                rowInhalt.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(232, 233, 234);
                rowInhalt.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);
            rowInhalt.Cells.Add(unclearedTransactions[i].Descripition);//"TAP-TO-PAY POS PURCHASE VISA LOCAL [01] PNP FAM NEWMARKET ALBERTON ZA"
            rowInhalt.Cells.Add(unclearedTransactions[i].Fee.ToString()).DefaultCellTextState = centerText;
            rowInhalt.Cells.Add(unclearedTransactions[i].Debit.ToString()).DefaultCellTextState = rightText;
            rowInhalt.Cells.Add(unclearedTransactions[i].Credit.ToString()).DefaultCellTextState = rightText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Table spacerPdfTable = new Table
            ColumnWidths = "180 100 80 95 95"

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        Aspose.Pdf.Row spacerRow = spacerPdfTable.Rows.Add();
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        spacerCell = spacerRow.Cells.Add("");
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        Aspose.Pdf.Table spacerPdfTableNB = new Table
            ColumnWidths = "180 100 80 95 95"

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        Aspose.Pdf.Row spacerRowNB = spacerPdfTableNB.Rows.Add();
        Aspose.Pdf.Cell spacerCellNB;
        spacerCellNB = spacerRowNB.Cells.Add("");
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        spacerCellNB.DefaultCellTextState.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);
        spacerCellNB.DefaultCellTextState.FontSize = 11;
        spacerCellNB.DefaultCellTextState.FontStyle = FontStyles.Bold;

        Aspose.Pdf.Table interestPdfTable = new Table
            ColumnWidths = "130 150 80 95 95"

        interestPdfTable.DefaultCellTextState = tinfo;
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        Aspose.Pdf.Row interestRow = interestPdfTable.Rows.Add();
        Aspose.Pdf.Cell interestCell;
        //interestCell = interestRow.Cells.Add("Page $p of $P");
        interestCell = interestRow.Cells.Add("Page $p of $P");
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        interestCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;
        interestCell.DefaultCellTextState.FontStyle = FontStyles.Bold;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row interestRow1 = interestPdfTable.Rows.Add();
        interestCell = interestRow1.Cells.Add("Interest Schedule");
        interestCell.ColSpan = 5;
        interestCell.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(69, 102, 158);
        interestCell.DefaultCellTextState.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);
        interestCell.DefaultCellTextState.FontSize = 11;
        interestCell.DefaultCellTextState.FontStyle = FontStyles.Bold;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row interestRow2 = interestPdfTable.Rows.Add();
        interestRow2.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(155, 157, 164);
        interestRow2.DefaultCellTextState = headerText;
        interestCell = interestRow2.Cells.Add("Period");
        interestCell = interestRow2.Cells.Add("Interest Rate (%)");
        interestCell.DefaultCellTextState.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
        interestCell = interestRow2.Cells.Add("Days");
        interestCell.DefaultCellTextState.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
        interestCell = interestRow2.Cells.Add("Interest Amount (R)");
        interestCell.DefaultCellTextState.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
        interestCell = interestRow2.Cells.Add("Interest Balance (R)");
        interestCell.DefaultCellTextState.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row interestRowInhalt;

        for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
            interestRowInhalt = interestPdfTable.Rows.Add();
            if (i % 2 == 0)
                // Row styling(color) fuction
                interestRowInhalt.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(232, 233, 234);
                interestRowInhalt.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);
            interestRowInhalt.Cells.Add("20200701 - 20200702");
            interestRowInhalt.Cells.Add("0.25").DefaultCellTextState = centerText;
            interestRowInhalt.Cells.Add("8").DefaultCellTextState = centerText;
            interestRowInhalt.Cells.Add("0.01").DefaultCellTextState = rightText;
            interestRowInhalt.Cells.Add("0.51").DefaultCellTextState = rightText;
        Aspose.Pdf.Table closingPdfTable = new Table
            ColumnWidths = "180 100 80 95 95"

        // Set the default cell padding to the MarginInfo object
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        closingPdfTable.RepeatingRowsCount = 2;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row closingRow = closingPdfTable.Rows.Add();
        Aspose.Pdf.Cell closingCell;
        closingCell = closingRow.Cells.Add("Closing Balance as at " + request.DateTime);// "20200731"
        closingCell.ColSpan = 5;
        closingCell.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(69, 102, 158);
        closingCell.DefaultCellTextState.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);
        closingCell.DefaultCellTextState.FontSize = 11;
        closingCell.DefaultCellTextState.FontStyle = FontStyles.Bold;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row closingRow2 = closingPdfTable.Rows.Add();
        closingRow2.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(155, 157, 164);
        closingRow2.DefaultCellTextState = headerText;
        closingCell = closingRow2.Cells.Add("Interest Balance (R)");
        closingCell = closingRow2.Cells.Add("Capital Balance (R)");
        closingCell.DefaultCellTextState.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
        closingCell.ColSpan = 2;
        closingCell = closingRow2.Cells.Add("Total Balance (R)");
        closingCell.DefaultCellTextState.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
        closingCell.ColSpan = 2;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row closingRow3 = closingPdfTable.Rows.Add();
        closingCell = closingRow3.Cells.Add("0.51");
        closingCell = closingRow3.Cells.Add("0.51");
        closingCell.DefaultCellTextState.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
        closingCell.ColSpan = 2;
        closingCell = closingRow3.Cells.Add("0.51");
        closingCell.DefaultCellTextState.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
        closingCell.ColSpan = 2;

        //Header code begin

        Aspose.Pdf.Image img = new Aspose.Pdf.Image();
        img.File = "";
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        Aspose.Pdf.Table headerTitleTable = new Table
            ColumnWidths = "180 100 80 95 95"

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        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerTitleRow = headerTitleTable.Rows.Add();
        Aspose.Pdf.Cell headerTitleCell;
        headerTitleCell = headerTitleRow.Cells.Add("");
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        headerTitleCell = headerTitleRow.Cells.Add("");

        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerTitleRow1 = headerTitleTable.Rows.Add();
        headerTitleCell = headerTitleRow1.Cells.Add("ACCOUNT STATEMENT");
        headerTitleCell.ColSpan = 5;
        headerTitleCell.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(69, 102, 158);
        headerTitleCell.DefaultCellTextState.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);
        headerTitleCell.DefaultCellTextState.FontSize = 11;
        headerTitleCell.DefaultCellTextState.FontStyle = FontStyles.Bold;
        headerTitleCell.DefaultCellTextState.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

        headerTable.DefaultCellTextState = headerInfo;
        Aspose.Pdf.Cell headerCell;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerRow1 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = headerRow1.Cells.Add("");
        headerCell.ColSpan = 5;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerRow2 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = headerRow2.Cells.Add(request.Client.FullName);
        headerCell.ColSpan = 3;
        headerCell = headerRow2.Cells.Add("Date:");
        headerCell = headerRow2.Cells.Add(request.DateTime.ToString()); //"2020/08/01 06:03:47"
        headerCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerRow3 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = headerRow3.Cells.Add("210 AMARAND AVENUE");
        headerCell.ColSpan = 3;
        headerCell = headerRow3.Cells.Add("Enquiries:");
        headerCell = headerRow3.Cells.Add("");
        headerCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerRow4 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = headerRow4.Cells.Add("MENLYN");
        headerCell.ColSpan = 3;
        headerCell = headerRow4.Cells.Add("Local:");
        headerCell = headerRow4.Cells.Add("080 23 23 23 6");
        headerCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerRow5 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = headerRow5.Cells.Add("PRETORIA");
        headerCell.ColSpan = 3;
        headerCell = headerRow5.Cells.Add("International:");
        headerCell = headerRow5.Cells.Add("+27 80 23 23 23 6");
        headerCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerRow6 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = headerRow6.Cells.Add("GAUTENG");
        headerCell.ColSpan = 3;
        headerCell = headerRow6.Cells.Add("");
        headerCell = headerRow6.Cells.Add("");
        headerCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerRow7 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = headerRow7.Cells.Add("SOUTH AFRICA");
        headerCell.ColSpan = 3;
        headerCell = headerRow7.Cells.Add("");
        headerCell = headerRow7.Cells.Add("");
        headerCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerRow8 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = headerRow8.Cells.Add("0002");
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        headerCell = headerRow8.Cells.Add("");
        headerCell = headerRow8.Cells.Add("");
        headerCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row spacer1 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = spacer1.Cells.Add("");
        headerCell.ColSpan = 5;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerRow9 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = headerRow9.Cells.Add("");
        headerCell.ColSpan = 3;
        headerCell = headerRow9.Cells.Add("Current Balance:");
        headerCell = headerRow9.Cells.Add("78,050.08");
        headerCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerRow10 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = headerRow10.Cells.Add("");
        headerCell.ColSpan = 3;
        headerCell = headerRow10.Cells.Add("Available Balance:");
        headerCell = headerRow10.Cells.Add(request.Client.AvailableBalance.ToString());
        headerCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row spacer2 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = spacer2.Cells.Add("");
        headerCell.ColSpan = 5;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerRow11 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = headerRow11.Cells.Add("Account Details");
        headerCell.ColSpan = 5;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerRow12 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = headerRow12.Cells.Add("Product: " + request.Client.ProductName);
        headerCell.ColSpan = 5;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerRow13 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = headerRow13.Cells.Add("Account Number: " + request.Client.AccountNumber);
        headerCell.ColSpan = 5;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row headerRow14 = headerTable.Rows.Add();
        headerCell = headerRow14.Cells.Add("Branch Code: " + "683000");
        headerCell.ColSpan = 5;

        // Create a Header Section of the PDF file
        Aspose.Pdf.HeaderFooter header = new Aspose.Pdf.HeaderFooter();
        // Set the Odd Header for the PDF file
        page.Header = header;

        // Set the top margin for the header section
        header.Margin.Top = 20;
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        header.Margin.Left = 25;

        // Create a Footer Section of the PDF file
        Aspose.Pdf.HeaderFooter footer = new Aspose.Pdf.HeaderFooter();
        // Set the Odd Header for the PDF file
        page.Footer = footer;

        // Set the top margin for the header section
        footer.Margin.Bottom = 5;
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        footer.Margin.Left = 25;

        Aspose.Pdf.Table footerTable = new Table
            ColumnWidths = "180 100 80 95 95"

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        footerTable.DefaultCellTextState = footerText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row footerRow = footerTable.Rows.Add();
        Aspose.Pdf.Cell footerCell;
        footerCell = footerRow.Cells.Add("Sasfin Bank Limited");
        footerCell.ColSpan = 5;
        footerCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row footerRow1 = footerTable.Rows.Add();
        footerCell = footerRow1.Cells.Add("Reg no. 1951/002280/06");
        footerCell.ColSpan = 5;
        footerCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row footerRow2 = footerTable.Rows.Add();
        footerCell = footerRow2.Cells.Add("29 Scott Street Waverley Johannesburg 2090 PO Box 95104 Grant Park 2051");
        footerCell.ColSpan = 5;
        footerCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row footerRow3 = footerTable.Rows.Add();
        footerCell = footerRow3.Cells.Add("Tel: +27 11 809 7500 Fax: +27 11 887 6167");
        footerCell.ColSpan = 5;
        footerCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row footerRow4 = footerTable.Rows.Add();
        footerCell = footerRow4.Cells.Add("Also at Bloemfontein Cape Town Durban Hong Kong Plettenberg Bay Port Elizabeth Pretoria");
        footerCell.ColSpan = 5;
        footerCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;

        Aspose.Pdf.Row footerRow5 = footerTable.Rows.Add();
        footerCell = footerRow5.Cells.Add("An authorised financial services provider licence no. 23833, registered credit provider NCRCP22 and a member of the Sasfin Group");
        footerCell.ColSpan = 5;
        footerCell.DefaultCellTextState = rightText;


        //Header code end

        Aspose.Pdf.MarginInfo CellPadding = new Aspose.Pdf.MarginInfo
            Top = 5,
            Bottom = 4,
            Left = 5,
            Right = 5

        Aspose.Pdf.MarginInfo footerPadding = new Aspose.Pdf.MarginInfo
            Top = 2,
            Bottom = 0,
            Left = 0,
            Right = 0

        pdfTable.DefaultCellPadding = CellPadding;
        interestPdfTable.DefaultCellPadding = CellPadding;
        closingPdfTable.DefaultCellPadding = CellPadding;
        headerTitleTable.DefaultCellPadding = CellPadding;
        headerTable.DefaultCellPadding = headerCellPadding;
        footerTable.DefaultCellPadding = footerPadding;


        MemoryStream outStream = new MemoryStream();
        doc.Save(outStream, SaveFormat.Pdf);
        //doc.Save(outStream, SaveFormat.Pdf);
        //byte[] docBytes = outStream.ToArray();

        //Stream streamA = new MemoryStream(docBytes);

        //Aspose.Pdf.Document pdfDoc = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(streamA);
        //Stream stream = new MemoryStream();

        var response = new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK);
        response.Content = new StreamContent(outStream);
        response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/pdf");
        response.Content.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename={0}{1}.pdf", "MonthlyAccountStatement_", accountNumber));
        return response;

        //dataDir = dataDir + "CreateMultiColumnPdf_out.pdf";
        // Save PDF file
        // ExEnd:CreateMultiColumnPdf            
        //Console.WriteLine("\nMulti column pdf file created successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);





We tried to use your code snippet and found that it has missing definitions of some objects e.g. Transactions, etc. However, we tested the scenario using following simple code snippet in a console application with Aspose.PDF for .NET 20.8. We were unable to notice the issue you have mentioned.

Document doc = new Document(); 
doc.Pages[1].Paragraphs.Add(new TextFragment("Page $p of $P"));
doc.Pages[2].Paragraphs.Add(new TextFragment("Page $p of $P"));
doc.Save(dataDir + "PageNumbers.pdf");

PageNumbers.pdf (2.1 KB)

Could you please make sure to use latest version of the API. In case issue still persists, please share a simple runnable code snippet which can replicate the issue in our environment. We will again test it and address it accordingly.