Aspose.Net unable to read correct text from an image

I am using to read text from an image and get locations of each words. But I am not getting the exact text. is converting text in different format.

I am also using temporary licence and my image dpi is 300.

My Code is :

string path = @“D:\WORKING\CURRECT PROJECTS\SVN PdfToHtml\PdfToHtml\PdfToHtml\Content\Upload\Images\PCWS_How_to\PCWS_How_to28”;
Aspose.OCR.License license = new Aspose.OCR.License();
license.SetLicense(@“D:\WORKING\CURRECT PROJECTS\SVN PdfToHtml\PdfToHtml\PdfToHtml\Content\Upload\Aspose.OCR.lic”);
//Initialize an instance of OcrEngine
Aspose.OCR.OcrEngine ocrEngine = new Aspose.OCR.OcrEngine();

//Set Image property by loading an image from file path
ocrEngine.Image = Aspose.OCR.ImageStream.FromFile(path);

//Run recognition process
if (ocrEngine.Process())
//Retrieve an array of recognized text by parts
Aspose.OCR.IRecognizedPartInfo[] text = ocrEngine.Text.PartsInfo;
//Iterate over the text parts
foreach (Aspose.OCR.IRecognizedTextPartInfo symbol in text)
//Display the part information
Console.WriteLine(“Symbol:” + symbol.Text);
//Get the rectangle sourronding the symbol
Rectangle box = symbol.Box;
//Display the rectangle location on the image canvas
Console.WriteLine(“Box Location:” + box.Location);
//Display the rectangle dimensions
Console.WriteLine(“Box Size:” + box.Size);

Hi Pramod,

Thank you for your inquiry.

Please, forward us the sample image file(s) from which you are trying to extract the text as well as the text location information. This will help us to find us the root cause of problem.

Looking forward for your reply along with sample image.

I have attached the image with my post. please find it.

please find my image in the attachment.

Hi Pramod,

Thank you for writing us back along with sample image.

This is to inform you that we were not able to get the desired results while using the latest version of Aspose.OCR for .NET 2.8.0 against your provided sample. Therefore we have logged this incident in our issue tracking system under the ticket OCR-34139 for product team's review. Please allow us some time to properly analyze the problem cause, and get back to you with updates in this regard.

We are sorry for the inconvenience. In the mean while, there is anything else we could do to help, please do not hesitate to let us know.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.