Aspose OCR does not work


i try to implement the example from here:

But when calling recognitionEngine.Recognize with every PDF, a NullReferenceException will be thrown.

Here is my code:

AsposeOcr recognitionEngine = new AsposeOcr();
OcrInput input = new OcrInput(InputType.PDF);
// Set recognition language
RecognitionSettings recognitionSettings = new RecognitionSettings();
recognitionSettings.Language = Language.Deu;
// Recognize image
List results = recognitionEngine.Recognize(input, recognitionSettings);
// Save searchable PDF
AsposeOcr.SaveMultipageDocument(inputForPdfOcrModel.InputPdf, SaveFormat.Pdf, results);

TestDatei_c6a14dab-f0e3-4938-86ba-0b310a7eff5d_638581028449421452.pdf (1,8 KB)

Kind Regardd,

Another PDF with one Imge with Text (error occures too):

MitBild.pdf (74,7 KB)


The API does not support processing of such PDFs that has image and text content mixed together. You can for now only process scanned PDFs using the API. We have tested the scenario in our environment using the latest version of the API and we could not replicate the issue. Would you please share what environment you are using e.g. .NET Framework version, OS Name and version, etc.? We will again test and let you know about our findings.