Hi Aspose,
I have an issue extracting text from the attached png image. The extracted is as below (you can have a look at the image to see the differences):
answer -> Adobe Acrobar PDF Files
Adobeig) Por-table Docyument Format (PDF) isa univer-sal tile tormat that pr-eservesall
o tythe tont s,torma tting,cyo lour-san dgr-aphicyso tyany sour-cye do cyum ent,r-egar-dl e sso ty
the applicyation andplattyorm usedto cyl-eate it.
Adobe PDF isan ide al tyormat tor-el ecytr-onicydo cyument distr-ibution asit over-cyome sthe
pr-obl e mschommonly encyounter-e dwith el e cytr-onicytil e sh ar-ing .
o AFIyoFzey ayzywleelee cyan open a PDF tile. All you needisthe tyl-ee Adobe Acml-obat
Reader-. Recyipientsotyother-tile tormatssometimeschan’t open tilesbecyause they
don’t have the applicyationsusedto cyl-eate the docyuments.
o PDF tyilesalwaysnpleirzt coleveectly on any pr-inting devicye.
Pdf_Text.png (56.2 KB)
The source code is as simple as below:
// https://docs.aspose.com/display/ocrjava/performing+ocr+on+an+image
System.out.println(“Start OCR test”);
String imagePath = “D:\tmp\Tuyen\aspose\ocr\Pdf_Text.png”;
// Create an instance of OcrEngine
OcrEngine ocr = new OcrEngine();
// Set image file
// Perform OCR and get extracted text
try {
if (ocr.process()) {
System.out.println("\ranswer -> " + ocr.getText());
} catch (Exception e) {
Can you please let me know what’s the issue? If you’re concern about the quality of attached png file, you can refer to the original attached pdf file too.pdf-sample.pdf (8.9 KB)
Thank you.