can I have an example of creating a form programmatically by using the Aspose.OMR.Handwriting addin.
can I have an example of creating a form programmatically by using the Aspose.OMR.Handwriting addin.
Hello, @cne
Thank you for interest in our new extension.
Examples for Aspose.OMR.Handwriting can be found here.
Example of programmatic form:
var license = new License(); license.SetLicense(@"C:\Users\User\Desktop\Aspose.OMR.NET.lic"); var engine = new OmrEngine(); engine.AddPlugin(new HandwritingPlugin()); TemplateConfig config = new TemplateConfig() { Children = new List<BaseConfig>() { new PageConfig() { Children = new List<BaseConfig>() { new Aspose.OMR.Handwriting.Generation.Config.Elements.TextInputConfig() { CellSize = Aspose.OMR.Handwriting.Generation.Config.Enums.CellSize.Large, InputType = Aspose.OMR.Handwriting.Generation.Config.Enums.InputType.Numbers, Name = "Date", Length = 4, } } } } }; var result = engine.GenerateTemplate(config, null); result.Save(@"C:\Users\User\Desktop\Handwriting", "simple");
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): OMRNET-976
You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.
Hello, @cne
Thank you, I have investigated project you provided.
The described issue can be fixed by installing “System.Drawing.Common” NuGet package (preferrable 5.0.3 version).
The root of the problem is behind Aspose.OMR. Handwriting package - it is build as .netstandard2.0 and must have System.Drawing.Common dependency included.
We will fix this bug in next release of Aspose.OMR.Handwriting package.
Helle, @nikita.korobeynikov ,
I was able to generate the template, but during recognition I got this error: {“An exception was thrown by the type initializer for ‘PerTypeValues`1’.”}
Need your help.
Hello, @cne
Please share a sample project and scanned image, so we can reproduce the problem.
Thank you!