– Aspose.OMR Returns ".omr File is Empty" During Recognition:-

Description of the Issue:

I am working on an OMR processing project using Aspose.OMR in C#. The .omr file is generated successfully, and its size is not empty, yet when I try to load and recognize the template, I receive the following error:

:arrows_counterclockwise: Initializing OMR Engine…
:arrows_counterclockwise: Loading OMR Template…
:white_check_mark: OMR Template loaded successfully.
:arrows_counterclockwise: Recognizing the Single Bubble from the Image…
:x: Error: .omr file is empty

Steps to Reproduce the Issue:

  1. Generate the .omr template using Aspose.OMR.
  2. Validate the .omr file:
  • Check its existence: :white_check_mark: (File is present)
  • Check its size: :white_check_mark: (File is not empty)
  • Print first few bytes: :white_check_mark: (File contains JSON data)
  1. Load the template using GetTemplateProcessor().
  2. Attempt to recognize an image (single_filled_corrected.png).
  3. The recognition fails with “.omr file is empty”.

code ‘’’

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Aspose.OMR.Api;
using Aspose.OMR.Generation;
using Aspose.OMR.Model;

class Program
static void Main()
string templatePath = “SingleBubbleTemplate.omr”;
string formImage = “single_filled_corrected.png”;

    Console.WriteLine("📝 Starting OMR Processing...");

        if (!File.Exists(templatePath) || new FileInfo(templatePath).Length == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("❌ OMR Template file is missing or empty.");

        Console.WriteLine($"✅ OMR Template created at: {templatePath}, Size: {new FileInfo(templatePath).Length} bytes");

        byte[] omrFileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(templatePath);
        Console.WriteLine($"🔍 First few bytes of .omr file: {BitConverter.ToString(omrFileBytes.Take(20).ToArray())}");

        if (!File.Exists(formImage))
            Console.WriteLine("❌ OMR filled form image not found.");

        Console.WriteLine("🔄 Initializing OMR Engine...");
        OmrEngine omrEngine = new OmrEngine();

        Console.WriteLine("🔄 Loading OMR Template...");
        TemplateProcessor templateProcessor = omrEngine.GetTemplateProcessor(templatePath);
        Console.WriteLine("✅ OMR Template loaded successfully.");

        Console.WriteLine("🔄 Recognizing the Single Bubble from the Image...");
        RecognitionResult recognitionResult = templateProcessor.Recognize(formImage);
        Console.WriteLine("✅ OMR Recognition completed.");
    catch (Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine($"❌ Error: {ex.Message}");

static void GenerateSingleBubbleTemplate(string templatePath)
        OmrEngine omrEngine = new OmrEngine();
        string omrTemplateText = "SingleBubbleTemplate\n? SingleBubble\n( )";

        using (MemoryStream templateStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(omrTemplateText)))
            GlobalPageSettings pageSettings = new GlobalPageSettings();
            TemplateGenerationResult generateResult = omrEngine.Generate(templateStream, pageSettings);
            File.WriteAllBytes(templatePath, generateResult.Template);

        Console.WriteLine($"✅ OMR Template generated successfully at: {templatePath}");
    catch (Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine($"❌ Error generating OMR template: {ex.Message}");


Hello, @PriyaRathor10

Can you share .omr and .png? I will investigate them and report findings here.

I’ve attached my .png files. The .omr file appears empty—could you check if I’m missing any required fields?

single_corrected.png (588 Bytes)

Hello, @PriyaRathor10

Aspose OMR require a pre-generated template layout(.omr) as well as presence of reference points in template scan. See article.