Aspose.PDF 21.9.0 nuget package misses referenced Aspose.Imaging 21.8.0

The latest Aspose.PDF NuGet package 21.9.0 delivers Aspose.PDF.dll that references Aspose.Imaging.dll and this dependency information is missing in the NuGet package.

Plus, maybe this is intentional, there is a version mismatch.


Aspose.PDF for .NET does not has dependency on Aspose.Imaging API as you can see in the Dependencies section. If the issue exists then share a sample application with snapshots of how you are installing it.

That’s the point.
The dependencies section on NuGet is missing this information.
But if you examine the assembly (dotPeek, whatever) you will notice that it was not the case for Aspose.PDF 21.5.0 but it is for Aspose.PDF 21.9.0 (and it breaks runtime if the file is not there).

See the attached solution. Just open it, restore NuGet packages and analyze Aspose.PDF references. (6.9 KB)

image.png (63.2 KB)


Aspose.Imaging dependency is added in 21.9 to add support for extra graphics codecs. We will update the dependency section with next release.