Aspose.PDF (23.1.0) : PDF/PDFForms to PDFA/PDFFlat output size increasing (x30 !)

Hello Team,

Please can you explain me the best way to convert

  • PDF to PDFa
  • PDF w/ Forms to flat PDF/PDFa

I have made many tests, many combination of the options provided by Aspose (v23.1.0) and I keep output file size larger (than PDFCreator or EasyPDF or iText/iTextSharp, for them the output size keep similar to input), the worst was from a 500ko input PDF file to a 15Mo output

Depending on the combination of options, I can observe some glitches in the text, wrong policy, wrong space size, unreadable policy, etc… (please see attached VB.Net Fx48 code)

Do you have an automatic Method to keep Image size, resolution, etc ?

I want to use only one techno, preferably yours !

SampleCode.7z (1.3 KB)


Would you please share the sample files for our reference as well so that we can test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly?

Hi Asad

Im not currently on this subject (I opened the ticket to parallelize our works, during I work on another subject hoping to have our solution when I lll return on the first one ;-)).

However, i ll send you some sample files with my tests matrix asap

Important notice : we need to convert “random” files so we can’t choose a “fixed” viable solution for only one type of document. Ideally, if your super tools Aspose.PDF could provide an automatic properties tuner for each input doc, depending on their content, to obtain the best results in terms of duration, size, quality (…) in my point of view it would be the best choice :wink:



Aspose.PDF does provide a solution to optimize a PDF document in order to reduce its size in case output PDF is larger. You can check below article in order to use the example. Furthermore, please note that sometimes issues may be related to specific document or specific type of documents. Aspose.PDF have been working with many PDF files that our customers are already using. However, we also asked for sample files to test the scenario in our environment to replicate the issue so that we can proceed with further investigation.

Please take your time to gather the sample PDF files to share with us and we will further proceed to assist you accordingly.

2 posts were split to a new topic: DOCX to PDF - Output is not WYSIWYG