Aspose PDF Add save button in pdf form

As per requirement I have placed the save button in pdf using below code:

 switch (setting.DefaultValue.ToLower().Trim())
                    case "print":
                        buttton.OnActivated = new NamedAction(PredefinedAction.File_Print);
                    case "save":
                        buttton.OnActivated = new NamedAction(PredefinedAction.File_SaveAs);
                        //buttton.OnActivated = new JavascriptAction("this.saveAs({ cPath:" + path + ", bPromptToOverwrite: false, bCopy:true});");
                    case "reset":
                        buttton.OnActivated = new JavascriptAction("this.resetForm();");

Also add action using NamedAction(PredefinedAction.File_SaveAs); but not able trigger save button when opening pdf using chrome. In acrobat its working fine(on Save click open dialogue with existing file path and asking for save). Can someone help how I can do the same while open it in chrome. Thanks for your help in advance.


Your query is related to Aspose.PDF. So, we have moved this forum thread to Aspose.PDF forum where you will be guided appropriately.


Thanks for contacting support.

As requested earlier over SO, could you please provide the complete code snippet which you are using to add button and setting their actions? We will test the scenario in our environment by generating a sample PDF from your code and share our feedback with you accordingly. You can also share a sample source PDF if you are using any.