Aspose.PDF adds an empty line

We use Aspose.PDF for .NET, which we have paid for, but we don’t have support included.

When extracting adresses from letters, sometimes (perhaps one letter in several thousand letters) Aspose adds an extra empty line between lines that have no empty lines between them.

Address in some letter:

Address Line 1
Address Line 2

is extracted (in C#) as:

AddressArr[0] = “Name”
AddressArr[1] = “Address Line 1”
AddressArr[2] = “Address Line 2”
AddressArr[3] = “”
AddressArr[4] = “Country”

Does anyone else have experiences of problems like this?


Thanks for contacting support.

Could you please share complete sample code snippet along with sample PDF document. We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

Dear Ali,

What is your email address? I will send you (only to you!) some encrypted files, containing information that is protected according to GDPR, which I see on Aspose’s website that you follow. I think you can see my email adress somewhere, I think I registered that when I filed this Support Issue.

Yours Sincerely,



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