Aspose.pdf can't show tranditional chinese

if someone can help me!

I user apsose.pdf component, but the report can't show tranditional chinese


Thank you for considering Aspose.

  1. You should set correct font that support traditional Chinese, such as MingLiU.
  2. You should set IsUnicode to true.

Please refer to “Using Unicode” at

I am very thanks for your help,

But, using this method, PDF can't show the tranditional chinese still on OS(windows2000).

It can show on OS(windows2003).

Is Mingliu.ttc difference between windows2000 and windows2003.

I hope your question,thanks a lot!

hi, Thanks for you help,

but , in my OS(windows 2000), the tranditional chinese can't show still,

in OS(windowsXP),it can show.

if there is difference between mingliu' edtions

thanks again

I don’t think there is difference between MingLiU’s editions. Please:

1) Check the Winnt\Fonts folder and see it the MingLiU is installed correctly in that folder.
2) If the font is installed correctly but it still won’t work, please set font map like the following:
pdf1.IsTruetypeFontMapCached = true;
pdf1.TruetypeFontMapPath = mapfolder;
A xml file named Aspose.Pdf.TruetypeFontMap.xml should be created in the mapfolder. Please check if MingLiU is included in the xml.

I am very thanks for your help.

my component has no attribute about "IsTruetypeFontMapCached" and "TruetypeFontMapPath " .

thanks again, I will search for others solution.

Best Regards,

Which version of Aspose.Pdf are you using? If you are using old version please try the latest version.