Aspose PDF Compression is inferior to iLovePDF or other tools

I’m trying to compress a PDF file, but no matter which options I use, I can not get it to be as small as compressing with alternatives (like iLovePDF).
Also, there are pages that are not valid after the compression.

What is the correct code to compress a PDF in a “sufficient” matter?

Here are the files:


Here is a link to the document on how to compress or optimize a file.

Can you provide your code snipped that is making the file invalid, please?

If I replicate the issue I will create a ticket for the devs.

I am familiar with that article.
I have followed it.
But the compression ratio is poor compared to other tools.
Can you try my files and achieve the competitor’s compression rate with Aspose?


Sadly, I am not a developer. Me running the compression will have the result that you currently have, and I cannot improve it. Also, I cannot create a ticket or bug because it is not one.

Since that is a request, you can create a Paid Support Ticket if you want.

After paying thousands of dollars each year for the Aspose libraries, I will not intend to pay more money just for you guys to improve your product, and then distribute it to all your customers!

I’m reporting an issue (call it a bug or a feature - I don’t care) that your tools are VERY INFERIOR in compressing PDF that other tools out there.
I want to use Aspose and not other tools, and that is the reason I wrote this topic.

I suggest you pass this on to the product manager or development team and have them decide if it is worth checking or not.


I am sorry you feel disappointed with our product. I will create a bug, which is an enhancement. But I cannot tell you when this will do pick or developed, since as I said, it is not going according to the rules stated above.

Edit: Can you share your whole code snippet? So I can attach it to the ticket.