Aspose Pdf Conversion from HTML stuck on constructor for large number of files


We noticed an issue when converting HTML files to PDF using Aspose.Pdf for a larger number of files. After a few hundred conversions one thread remains stuck on the Aspose.Pdf.Document constructor (most likely an infinite loop or deadlock) and the process does not timeout. I’m attaching here a sample project that reproduces the issue. In this case I’ve tried to convert the same HTML string 1500 times, passing 100 items at a time to a Parallel.ForEachAsync.

We need help ASAP with this issue as it’s a blocker for us.

You can download the sample app from here: console app zip
It’s using .NET 7 and Aspose.Pdf 24.7.0.


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFNET-57755

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