Aspose.pdf.cpp not working

Hi, I have been exploring Aspose product family but I am facing issue while using Aspose.Pdf.Cpp. I have installed nuget package for the same but when after installing, when I add headers, it does not find the path.

I have Aspose.Words.cpp working perfectly to my needs which I installed the same way as I installed Aspose.pdf.cpp.

e.g. it does not find below path
#include “Aspose.PDF.Cpp/Document.h”
#include “Aspose.PDF.Cpp/DocumentInfo.h”

I even tried giving the exact path of these header and adding libs in visual studio project properties. it compiled but complained about the DLL missing.

I am not sure why this extra overhead is there with Aspose.PDF.Cpp.

Can you please help.

Hi @deepanshugarg09

Thanks for choosing Aspose.PDF.

Your problem looks like a problem in your development environment and not with Aspose.PDF. I recommend that you search for tips like this and also check file permission in your development environment.

Please let me know if that helps.

Thanks for your reply.
Let me put my question in a simple way.

I followed the steps mentioned to install “Aspose.Pdf.Cpp” on link “Install Aspose.PDF for C++|Aspose.PDF for C++” but it did not work after successfully installing the package.

However, when I followed the same steps for Aspose.Words.CPP, it worked just after installation.

I tried it on multiple machines with visual studio 22. it did not work for Aspose.PDF.Cpp package but worked well for Aspose.Words.Cpp package.

Also, what is the possible benefit of packaging a library on Artifactory if one has to manually locate the headers, libs or DLLs.

Request you to check you package distribution over Nuget for Aspose.Pdf.CPP

Hi @deepanshugarg09

I have opened a ticket for our internal team: PDFCPP-2045. As soon as we find a solution I will let you know.
