Aspose.Pdf create too many temp files at /tmp on linux and do not automatic cleaning

When use Aspose.Pdf convert pdf to docx . There will create too many files at /tmp . And when convert is over or application is shutdown the files will not delete.

The files just like:

-rw------- 1 xx xx 2164 1月 5 11:42 ff3BVsk1
-rw------- 1 xx xx 17104 1月 5 11:42 ff3OWmTZ
-rw------- 1 xx xx 330412 1月 5 11:42 ffDnJeg0
-rw------- 1 xx xx 2164 1月 5 11:42 ffEJgji0
-rw------- 1 xx xx 3376 1月 5 11:42 ffEpg0WX
-rw------- 1 xx xx 330412 1月 5 11:42 ffFFyBNZ
-rw------- 1 xx xx 8692 1月 5 11:42 ffhkgOfY
-rw------- 1 xx xx 17104 1月 5 11:42 ffHLFCoX
-rw------- 1 xx xx 8692 1月 5 11:42 ffQ6tNPZ
-rw------- 1 xx xx 3376 1月 5 11:42 ffrMomi0
-rw------- 1 xx xx 3376 1月 5 11:42 ffucqoNY
-rw------- 1 xx xx 8692 1月 5 11:42 ffWcJRm0
-rw------- 1 xx xx 330412 1月 5 11:42 ffY96mr0

And the code is simple:

using Aspose.Pdf;

AppContext.SetSwitch(“System.Drawing.EnableUnixSupport”, true);

using var doc = new Document(“test.pdf”);
doc.Save(“test.docx”, SaveFormat.DocX);


The sample code project (56.0 KB)

We think the file is not created by .net or other programs. We didn’t test for other function/versions and other Aspose products. Maybe there has same phenomenon with them.

Environment: Ubuntu20.04 on WSL2
.Net Version: 6.0
Aspose.PDF Version: 21.12.0



This case has been logged under the ticket ID PDFNET-51134 in our issue tracking system for further investigation. We will look into its details and keep you posted with the status of ticket resolution. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.