Aspose.PDF fails to extract text from PDF page

Dear Aspose,

recently we had a problem with several PDF document while trying to extract text from pages. We are using
Aspose.PDF Nuget package version : 19.1.0
Visual Studio 2022
.net framework 4.6.2
We have valid license until July 2024

While running thru pages we having Null reference exception on .Accept method.

Here is my code screen shoot :

image.png (81.6 KB)

And here is the file we are struggling with :

Lincat_SpecialistRange_Ovens_Manual_1.pdf (371.9 KB)

Any advice? Thank You.

Could you try to reproduce issue on latest version which is currently 24.5?
Null references are usually quickly fixed and maybe it could be resolved by updating version of Aspose.PDF Nuget package

Dear Ilya,

we have tried with latest version and same issue is present.
Acrobat reader display errors to on this document, but Chrome open it fine?!

Thank You,

For now I tried your code without fragments with await procedures, error wasn’t reproduced in such scenario so now I’ll try to check with original async version
As for Acrobat, it’s not unusual - Acrobat usually has more strict checks for documents when browsers focus mostly on showing file contents