Aspose.Pdf for Java convert .pdf to .doc error

Dear all,

We have already purchased your Aspose.Total for Java.

When I used the aspose.pdf-16.10.0.jar to convert .pdf to .doc, there was an ‘java.util.ConcurrentModificationException’ exception thrown.

I feel that this may be a bug of your Aspose.pdf for Java, and it seems to have noting to do with the input .pdf.

As far as I know, you would not provide a hot fix or a new version to the end-use if they do not renew their license.

By the way, we do not intent to renew our license, because of the high price. Therefore, we need you to help us to troubleshoot this exception and give us a feasible workaround as soon as possible.

Our work has been seriously blocked by this error.
I am anxiously waiting for your reply.
Thanks in advance.

Hi Kyo,

Thanks for contacting support.

I have tested the scenario of PDF to DOC conversion using Aspose.Pdf for Java 17.2.0 where I have used one of my sample PDF files and I did not notice any issue during conversion. As per my observations, the conversion is performed without any issue. Please note that I have tested the scenario on Windows 7 (x64) with JDK 1.8 where my language culture is ENG-US.

The problem might be related to the structure of input PDF file, so can you please share the input PDF file and some details regarding your working environment, so that we can test the conversion in our environment.

Furthermore, we always intend to fix our customer’s problems, as quickly as possible. However sometimes due to various other high priority issues, the resolution of some issues takes a bit longer, but still our utmost attempt is to provide the resolution, as soon as possible. We are sorry for your inconvenience.


// load input PDF file
com.aspose.pdf.Document doc = **new** com.aspose.pdf.Document("c:/pdftest/JustifyTesting.pdf");

// Save the document in DOC format.“c:/pdftest/JustifyTesting.doc”,
com.aspose.pdf.SaveFormat.*Doc* );


We can not use your Aspose.Pdf forJava 17.2.0, because our license has an expiration date ‘20161112’. It means that we can not use your new versions released after ‘20161112’.

I think you might advice us to use 17.2.0, that means we should buy a new license, but this will bring us extra fee.

As far as I know, renew a license is not such cheap.

If we do not intend to purchase a new license, how could this issue be solved?


I could provide an important information for you to reproduce this exception.

This exception will occur as long as you set a formal license file, however, I find that you did not set any license for Aspose.Pdf. Maybe, that’s why you did not see this issue.

I hope you to test again with a formal license for Aspose.Pdf.

Please update me as soon as possible.



We can not use your Aspose.Pdf forJava 17.2.0, because our license has an expiration date ‘20161112’. It means that we can not use your new versions released after ‘20161112’.

I think you might advice us to use 17.2.0, that means we should buy a new license, but this will bring us extra fee.

As far as I know, renew a license is not such cheap.

If we do not intend to purchase a new license, how could this issue be solved?
Hi Kyo,

Thanks for sharing the details.

In case you do not want to upgrade the subscription, you may consider requesting a 30 days temporary license to test the latest release and see if it resolves your problem or not. For more information, please visit Get a temporary license.

I could provide an important information for you to reproduce this exception.

This exception will occur as long as you set a formal license file, however, I find that you did not set any license for Aspose.Pdf. Maybe, that's why you did not see this issue.

I hope you to test again with a formal license for Aspose.Pdf.

Please update me as soon as possible.
Hi Kyo,

During my earlier attempt, I tested the scenario with a valid license and but I did not include the code snippet for license initialization. However as shared earlier, the issue might be related to the structure of input PDF file. So if you are still getting same error while using latest release version, please share the intput document, so that we can further test the scenario in our environment. We are sorry for this inconvenience.


Please have a try for this attached pdf, and determine whether this inputting pdf causes this problem.

Hi Kyo,

Thanks for sharing the sample file.

I have again tested the scenario using Aspose.Pdf for Java 17.2.0 in Eclipse Juno project running over Windows 7 (x64) using JDK 1.8 where I have tested the scenario using a valid license as well as without a license and I did not notice any issue. As per my observations, the file is properly being converted to DOC format.

Can you please try using latest release and in case the issue still occurs, please share some details regarding your working environment. We are really sorry for your inconvenience.