Aspose-pdf for java Jakarta support

We are using aspose-pdf and we found that it is using javax.servlet imports, we are using 24.3 version.
In release notes of aspose-pdf 23.11 we found that it has been supported for jakarta.

could you please help us with how we can use this jar for jakarta environment.

In this release notes there is enhancement for Jkarta support - Aspose.PDF for Java 23.11 Release Notes

But still we can see some javax.servlet imports in library.
Below classes have javax imports -
FormEditorWeb, FormWeb, PdfFileEditorWeb, PdfFileStampWeb, DocumentWeb


According to Tomcat 9 EE specification we have modified our release jar file and have created another jar file with support for Tomcat 9+. It has already been placed on the artifactory.
Please use the following dependency configuration:


Please, notice also, that according to apache/tomcat-jakartaee-migration (GitHub - apache/tomcat-jakartaee-migration: Apache Tomcat migration tool for Jakarta EE) Not all javax.* packages are part of Java EE. Only those defined by Java EE have moved to the jakarta.* namespace.
All javax.* classes that are used in Tomcat 9 EE according to apache documentation and are implemented in tomcat EE are modified to jakarta., but all other javax. links are left unchanged because we have no guarantee that they will be implemented and presented in the target environment.

Thank you @asad.ali for quick response.

Can we know which EESpecProfiles are you using to convert this jars? TOMCAT or EE ?


Please allow us to check internally and we will get back to you shortly.


We are converting an EE profiled JAR to a Tomcat version using org.apache.tomcat.jakartaee.MigrationCLI, the profiles involved are:

Original EE Profile: The Java EE specifications used by the JAR. (aspose-pdf-24.7.jar)
Tomcat Profile: Adapted to Tomcat’s Servlet and JSP specifications, excluding or modifying unsupported EE features. (aspose-pdf-24.7-tomee.jar)

Thank you got it resolved.