Hello, I’ve been debugging for the past few days this issue.
I’m running all Aspose versions on 24.4.0
Dotnet 6.0
I’ve seen on a few posts here that the recommendation is to use Aspose.Drawing, but it clashes with System.Drawing.Common.ImageFormat, so I opted to using Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.
The issue I’m having is that Aspose.Pdf.Drawing doesn’t have ImagePlacementAbsorber capabilities, and only Aspose.Pdf does, which relies heavily on System.Drawing.Common which doesn’t run on linux
System.PlatformNotSupportedException: System.Drawing.Common is not supported on non-Windows platforms.
Since I have to use Aspose.Pdf.ImagePlacementAbsorber and Aspose.Pdf only uses the mentioned problematic reference I don’t see a workaround and I’ve been stuck for the past few days.
I have to use ImagePlacementAbsorber since it gives me access to the position of the image, the rectangle, and the stream itself.
I’ve just tried running it with Aspose.Pdf 24.9 and got the same error message.
Thanks in advance,